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LitLine is a monthly newsletter for published authors, aspiring writers and readers of all genres.  It seeks to connect the literary community worldwide through information and opinions.   Sponsorship to support the online publishing of LitLine is available beginning July 2001.

Wanda Elayne Moorman, publisher and editor, encourages the submission of material for any of the following categories: 

  • Book Club News
  • Student Writers
  • Guest Column  
  • Poetry
  • Publisher News
  • Literary Venues
  • Author Appearances  

A guest column will be featured each month by authors, publishers, poets and even aspiring writers.  An inspirational/spiritual message will be an ongoing part of the newsletter.  While LitLine is an online information literary source, it will also touch upon faith and spirituality.  There will be a brief column on “TechTips”, and the publisher/editor will occasionally write a “What’s Up” column. 

The publisher/editor reserves the right to accept or reject and edit any information submitted for publication.  All information for publication must be positive and helpful and must be received by the 15th day  of each month.  Submissions can be emailed to the publisher/editor at wem777@worldnet.att.net.    The newsletter is designed to empower writers and readers with information and inspiration.  The spiritual/inspirational material will primarily be written by ministers from the Washington, DC area.  However, the clergy community nationwide is encouraged to submit material for publication. 

LitLine will break for the holiday months and return February 2002.  I invite you to participate in and support this great monthly newsletter. 

Wanda Elayne Moorman
Publisher and Editor

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Copyright © 2003 Wanda Moorman. All rights reserved.